Top 10 School Letters for Student | Applications

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Top 10 School Letters of Student, SCHOOL LETTERS & APPLICATIONS


1. An application for leave of absence on account of illness.


The Headmaster/ Principal,

I beg most respectfully to state that I could not attend school from the 10th. to the 15th. January 2022 on account of fever.

I therefore pray that you will be kind enough to grant me leave of absence for those days only.


I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

2. An application for leave of absence on account of an urgent piece of business.


The Headmistress/Principal,


I beg most respectfully to state that I shall not be able to attend school from the 3rd to 10th. January on account of the marriage ceremony of my elder sister.

I therefore pray that you will kindly grant me leave of absence for those days.


I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

3. An application for leave to go home early.


The Headmaster/Principal,
I beg respectfully to state that I cannot stay any longer in my class as I feel out of sorts.

May, I therefore request you to grant me leave for the remaining periods.


I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

4. An application for remission of delay fines.

The Headmaster/Principal,
Most respectfully and humbly, I beg to state that I could not pay my tution fees for the month of January ’22 in time as my father was away from home for a month.

May, I therefore, request you to be kind enough to remit the fine for the late payment.


I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

5. An application for half-holiday.


The Principal,
We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that we wish to enjoy a half-holiday today on account of Jhulan Purnima.

May we therefore, request you to kindly grant us a half-holiday.


We remain.
Your most obedient pupils.

6. An application for a Transfer Certificate.

The Headmaster/Principal,

My 1ather has been transferred from Nagaon to Guwahati. So I shall have to leave this place very soon.

I therefore, beg to request you to issue me a Transfer Certificate at an early date.

I beg to inform you that I have paid my school fees for the current month and I have already returned the book I borrowed from the School Library.


I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

7. An application for a free studentship.

The Headmaster/Principal.

Most respectfully and humbly I beg to state that my father is the only earning member of our family. His monthly income 1S such that he is unable to pay my school fees regularly.

I, therefore, most humbly pray that you will be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship from the next month.

I remain.
Your most obedient pupil,

8. An application to the Headmaster praying tor issuing a railway concessional ticket.


The Headmaster/ Principal,


I beg most respectfully to state that early next month, the members of our family will go to Calcutta to visit our relatives there. As my terminal examination is over, my father wants to take me with them for this trip to KalKata.

May, I therefore, request you to be kind enough so as to grant me a student’s railway concession for journey to Calcutta and back.

Your most obedient pupil.

9. Write a letter inviting another school to play a friendly cricket match.

The Game Secretary,

Dear Sir,
The players of our school team desire to play a friendly cricket match with your school eleven in the afternoon of Saturday, the 29th. January at the New field ground. Kindly let me know at an early date if you can accept the invitation.

Hope that you will try your best to play the friendly match as prayed for.

Soliciting an early reply.

Yours faithfully,

10. An application for a Procession Permit.


The Superintendent of Police.
We, the students fo Govt. Aided Kahilipara High School, solicit the favour of your kindly granting us permission to bring out a procession to celebrate the birth-day of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

The procession will move from our school ground, parade the main thoroughfare of the city and end at our school ground. 


We remain
Yours faithfully

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