Measures to be taken during Natural Calamity

ডেইলি বরাক
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Measures to be taken during Natural Calamity


Measures to be taken during Earthquake:

Take Shelter under a strong table or a high bed.

Use your hands to cover your head and face.

Hold the table till the earthquake stops.

Keep yourself away from tall trees, electric posts and wires.

Measures to be taken during Natural Calamity

Measures to be taken before Flood :

Keep the emergency bag/kit ready with radio, torchlight with additional battery, drinking water, dry edibles, sugar, salt etc.

Keep materials such as rope, clothes, water proof bag for keeping valuables, umbrella, stick etc.

Keep the first Aid Kit ready with medicines for snake bite, diarrhoea and other medicines.

Measures to be taken during Flood :

Proceed to safe shelter with emergency kit.

Keep your household belonging on the bed o table.

Drink boiled water.

Do not tread into the flood waters.

Measures to be taken after Flood :

Use Bleaching Powder and Lime all around the house to destroy germs.

Keep food covered.

Beware of insect bites.

Do not leave the safe area until it is officially declared that is safe told go back home.

Before putting the electric gadgets / machines into use, get them checked and fully dried.

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