300+ Full forms List with Category wise

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A to Z Full forms List with Category wise 300+ Abbreviations – Science, General ,Computer , Social … Best Interview Full forms.


A Full Forms List

AASU = All Assam Students Union

AFC = Assam Financial Corporation

AGP = Assam Gana Parisad

AAU = Assam Agriculcural University

ABSU = All Bado Students Union

APSE = Assam Public Service Commission

AFC = Assam Financial Corporation

AC = Alternate Current/Ashok Chakra/Air Conditioner/Antarctic Club

ACC =  Auxillary Cadet Core

AD =  Ano Domini (After the birth of Jesus)

ADB =  Asian Development Bank

AERE = Atomic Energy Research Establishment

AICC = All India Congress Committee

AICTE = All India Council of’Technical Education

AIDS =  Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

AIIMS = All India Institute of Medical Sciencee

AIR = All India Radio.

AITUC = All India Trade Union Congress 

AM = Anti Meridian (Before Noon)

APEC = Asia Specific Economic Cooperation

ASEAN = Association of South East Asian Nations

ASLV = Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle

ASI = Archaeological Survery of India

B Full Forms List

BA = Bachelor of Arts

B.Ed = Bachelor of Education

BJP =  Bharatiya Janata Party

BSNL = Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

BTC = Bodoland Territorial Council

BAMS = Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

BARC = Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation

BC = Before Christ (Before the birth of Jesus)

BCCI = Board of Control for Cricket in India

BEL = Bharat Electronics Limited

BHEL = Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

BIS = Bureau of Indian Standards

B. Pharma = Bachelor of Pharmacy

BSF = Border Security Force

C Full Forms List

CEC = Chief Election Commissioner

C-in-C = Commander – in – chief

CAG = Comptroller and Auditor General

CAT = Central Administrative Tribunal

CNI = Central Bureau of Investigation

CBSE = Central Board of Secondary Education

CCEA = Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

CCS = Cabinet Committee on Security

C-DAC = Center for Development of Advance Computing

CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access

CDRI = Central Drug Research Institute

CID = Criminal Investigation Department

CISF = Central Industrial Security Force

CITU = Centre of India Trade Unions

CNG = Compressed Natural Gas

COD = Central Ordnance Depot / Cash On Delivery

CPO = Central Passport Organisation

CRPF = Central Reserve Police Force

CRR = Cash Reserve Ratio

CSIR = Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

CSO =  Central Statistical Organisation

CVC = Central Vigilance Commission

D Full Forms List

DA = Dearness Allowance

DC = Deputy Commissioner

DDT = Dichloro- diphenyl- trichloro-ethane

D.EL.ED = Diploma in Elementary Education

D.Phil = Doctor of Philosophy

DDT = Dichloro Diphenyle Tri-chloroethane

DIG = Deputy Inspector General

D.Lit = Doctor of Literature

DM = District Magistrate

DNA = Di-oxyribo-Nucleic Acid

DRDO = Defernce Research and Development Organisation

DVD = Digital Versatile Disk

E Full Forms List

EBDI = Educational Development Bank of India

e.g =  Exempli gratia (for example)

e-mail = Electronic mail

E & OE = Errors and omissions Excepted

EAS = Employment Assurance Scheme

ECB = European Central Bank

ECG = Electro Cardiogram

EEC = European Economic Community

EEG = Electro Encephalogram

EPABX= Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange

ERDA = Energy Research and Development  Administration

ESMA = Essential Services Maintanance Act

EVM = Electronic Voting Machine

F Full Forms List

FRCS = Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons

FAO = Food and Agricultre Organisation

FBTR = Fast Breeder Test Reactor

FCI = Food Corporation of India

FERA = Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

FEMA = Foreign Exchange Management Act

FICCI = Federation of India Chambers of Commerce and Industry

FIR = First Information Report

FRS =  Fellow of the Royal Society

G Full Forms List

GMAT = Graduate Management Aptitude Test

GPF = General Provident Fund

GAIL = Gas Authority of India Limited

GATT = General Agreement on Tariff and Trade

GIC = General Insurance Corporation

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time

GNP = Gross National Product

GPO = General Post Office

GSI = Geological Survey of India

H Full Forms List

http: = Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HAL = Hindustan Aeronautics Limited 

HCF = Highest Common Factor

HDFC = Housing Development Finance Corporation

HIV = Human Immuno-deficiency Virus

HMT = Hindustan Machinary Tools

HUDCO = Housing and Urban Development Corporation

I Full Forms List

IAY = Indira Awaas Yojana

IAAI = International Airport Authority of lndia

IAC =  Indian Airlines Corporation

IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency

IARI = Indian Agricultural Research Institute

IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)

ICC = International Cricket Council

ICAR = Indian Council of Agricultural Research

ICICI  = Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited

ICJ = International Court of Justice

IDBI = Industrial Development Bank of India

IFA = Indian Football Association

IFCI = Industrial Finance Corporation of India

IFFI = International Film Festival of India

IFTU = International Federation ot Irade Unions

IIPA = Indian Institute of Public Administration

IIS = Indian Institute of Sciences

IIT = Indian Institute of Technology

ILO = International Labour Organisation

IMA = Indian Military Academy

IMF = International Monetary Fund

INSAT = Indian National Satellite

INTERPOL = International Police Organisation

INTUC = Indian National Trade Union Congress

IOC = Indian Oil Corporation

IPC =  Indian Penal Code

IQ = Intelligence Quotient

IRC = International Red Cross

IRDA = Insurance Regulatory Development Authority

IRDP = Integrated Rural Development Programme

ISB = Indian Standard Bureau

ISM =  Indian School of Mines

ISP = Internet Service Porvider

ISRO = Indian Space Research Organisation

IST = Indian Standard Time

ITDC = Indian Tourism Development Corporation

ITO = International Trade Organisation

ITUC = Indian Trade Union Congress

J Full Forms List

JD = Janata Dal
JEC = Jorhat Engineering College

J & K = Jammu and Kashmir

JNU = Jawaharlal Nehru University

JMM = Jharkhand Mukti Morcha

JRY = Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

JPC = Joint Parliamentary Committee

Kg = Kilogram

KG = Kindergarten

KVIC = Khadi and Village Industries Commission

KVS= Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

L Full Forms List

LAN = Local Area Network

LCM = Lowest Common Multiple

Lt = Lieutenant

LIC = Life Insurance Corporation of India

LLB = Bachelor of Law

LLM = Master of Law

LoC = Line of Control

LPG = Liquefied Pertroleum Gas

LSD = Lysergic acid di-ethylamide

M Full Forms List

M.Ed = Master of Education

MISA = Maintenance of Internal Security Act.

MP = Member of Paliament

MA = Master of Arts

MBA = Master of Business Administration

MBBS = Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

MCA = Master of Computer Application

MD = Doctor of Medicine

MI = Military Intelligence

MLA = Member of Legislative Assembly

MLC = Member of Legislative Council

MNC = Multi National Corporation

MRCP = Member of Royal College of Physicians

MRCS = Member of Royal College of Surgeons

N Full Forms List

NEDFI =  North East Development Finance Corporation

NAAC = National Assesment and Accreditation Council

NAAI = National Airport Authority of India

NBT = National Book Trust

NCC = National Cadet Corps

NABARD = National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development

NACO = National AIDS Control Organisation

NAEP = National Adult Education Programme

NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

NASSCOM = National Association of Software & Service Companies

NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NCW = National Commission for Women

NCERT = National Council of Educational Research & Trainingg

NDA = National Defence Academy

NDF = National Defence Fund

NEFA = North-East Frontier Agency

NEPA = National Environment Protection Authority

NFDC = National Film Development Corporation

NFL = National Fertilizer Limited

NHRC = National Human Rights Commission

NIDC = National Industrial Development Corporation

NIIT = National Institute of Information Technology

NIMHANS = National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences

NMEP = National Malaria Eradication Programme

NPP = National Population Policy

NRDC = National Research and Development Corporation

NREP = National Rural Employnment Programme

NRI = Non Resident Indian

NSC = National Security Council

NSSO = National Sample Survey Organisation

NTC = National Textile Corporation

O Full Forms List

OC = Officer Commanding

OIGS = On Indian Government Service

OIL = Oil India Limited

OK = All Correct

ONGC = Oil and Natural Gas Commission

P Full Forms List

PAN = Permanent Account Number

PA = Personal Assistant

PF = Provident Fund

PCI = Provincial Civil Services

Ph.D = Doctor of Philosophy

PIN = Postal Index Number

PLO = Palestine Liberation Organisation

PM = Post Meridian/Prime Misister

POTA = Prevention of Terrorism Act

PSLV = Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

PTI = Press Trust of India

PTO = Please Turn Over

PVSM = Param Vishisht Seva Medal

PWD = Public Work’s Department

RADAR = Radio Angle Direction and Range

Q Full Forms List

QMS = Quarter Master General

Qr. = Quarter

R Full Forms List

RAW = Research and Analysis Wing

RBI = Reserve Bank of India

RDX = Research Developed Explosive

RIMC = Rashtriya Indian Military College

RMS = Railway Mail Service

RNA = Ribonucleic Acid

RSS = Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

RLO = Returned Letter Office

S Full Forms List

SAARC = South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SAC = Space Application Centre

SAI = Sports Authority of India

SAIL = Steel Authority of India Limited

SC = Supreme Court 

SEBI = Security Exchange Board of

SIDBI = Small Industries Development Bank of India

SITA = Suppression of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act

SLV = Satellite Launch Vehicle

SPIC MACAY  = Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture

STD = Subscribers Trunk Dialing

T Full Forms List

TA = TravellingAllowance/Territorial Army

TRAI = Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

TOEFL = Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

TTFI = Table Tennis Federation of India

U Full Forms List

UGC = University Grants Commission

ULFA = United Liberation Front of Assam

UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDP = United Nations Development Programme

UNEF = United Nations Emergency Force

UNEP = United Nations Environment Programme

UNESCO = United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation

UNFPA = United Nations for Population Activities

UNHCR = United Nations High Commission for Refugees

UNI = United News of India

UNICEF = United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

UN = United Nations

UPSC = Union Public Service Commission

UTI = Unit Trust of India

V Full Forms List

VAT = Value Added Tax

VDIS = Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme

VC = Vice-Chancellor

VIP = Very Important Person

VRS = Voluntary Retirement Scheme

VSNL = Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

W Full Forms List

WEF = World Economic Forum

WHO = World Health Organisation

WMO = World Meteorological Organisation

WTO = World Trade Organisation

WWW = World Wide Web

Y Full Forms List

YMCA = Young Men’s Christians Association

YWCA = Young Women’s Christians Asociation

Z Full Forms List

ZSI = Zoological Survey of India

ZPG = Zero Population growth

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